It is noted that in exceptional circumstances a pupil may be required to be absent from education. The school also notes that there is a clear link between attendance and achievement.

Pupils are NOT allowed to have time off within term time without prior permission from the Headteacher. Permission should be requested in writing to the Headteacher for any absences. All requests for a leave of absence must be submitted prior to a pupil’s absence, as permission cannot be given retrospectively.

If absences are for specific appointments a copy of the invitation letter should be shared. A maximum of 10 days may be granted for term time holidays in ‘exceptional circumstances’ which are outlined in legislation.

If a pupil is absent due to illness, the parent/carer must call the school before 8:30 am to report the absence otherwise this may be recorded as unauthorised.


Further information can be found in our absence policy.


Below are the recommendations from the Public Health Agency (England) which is used for illness control within a school setting.